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Here you can get acquainted with our official documents

Syarat Penggunaan 

Animaccord Ltd (the “Company”) makes this website (the “Website”) and its Content, including all information, text, graphics, software, and services, available for your use subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this document (the "Terms of Use"). 

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Kebijakan Pribadi 

Kebijakan privasi ini bertujuan untuk memberi Anda informasi tentang bagaimana data pribadi Anda diproses oleh Animaccord Ltd. Dalam kebijakan ini, kami menyebut diri kami sebagai 'kami', 'kita', dan 'milik kami'. Harap dicatat bahwa kami menggunakan istilah “data pribadi” yang memiliki arti “informasi pribadi” dalam undang-undang terkait.

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Kebijakan Cookie

This Cookie Policy ("Policy") explains how we use cookies and other similar technologies to recognise you when you visit our website ("Website"). It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use of them. The Website is owned by Animaccord Ltd (referred to as “we”, “us”, or “our”). 

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