
Privacy Policy

Last updated April 05, 2024 

Who are we and how can you contact us?

This privacy policy aims to give you information on how your personal data are processed by Animaccord Ltd. In this policy, we refer to ourselves as 'we', 'us', and 'our'.

Please note that we use the term “personal data” which has the meaning of “personal information” in the relevant law.

If you want to review, verify, correct, or request the erasure of your personal data, object to the processing of your personal data, or request that we transfer a copy of your personal data to another party, please contact us using:

  • our email:
  • our phone: +357 25 281 872
  • our address: 82 Griva Digeny, Stephanie House, office 202, 3101, Neapolis, Limassol, Cyprus

The policy extends to:

Where did we get your data from?

  • Browser

Your internet browser (such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge) automatically transmits some information to us every time you access content on one of our internet domains. Examples of such data include the URL of the particular Web page you visited, the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer you are using, or the browser version that you are using to access the website.

  • Directly from you

We may obtain personal data directly from you, e.g. when you contact us, or when our cookies are enabled on the websites.

What data, for what purposes, on what basis, and for how long do we process?

We only collect personal data about you insofar as is necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

In a number of our processing operations, we use a contract as the legal basis for processing your data. By contract we mean the Terms of Use of this website. Please note that in the “Events and contests” section, we process your data under the terms of a specific contest rather than the standard Terms of Use. 

Purpose of Data Processing

Legal Basis

Data Categories

Retention Period

Data processing operations of non-registered website users

To define user's location to store their data on the server in the appropriate location (necessary cookies)



IP address
Browser languages

Language of keyboard layout


as defined in the Cookie Policy for a particular cookie file -

To allow users to view YouTube videos on our site (functional cookies)



Session ID
Interactions with an embedded YouTube player

as defined in the Cookie Policy for a particular cookie file

To analyse user behaviour in order to improve our website (analytical cookies)



User ID

Session ID

Session duration

Session start and end time

Session start referrer

Session start URL

Event type

Event date




Browser languages

Operating system

Screen resolution


IP address

as defined in the Cookie Policy for a particular cookie file

To define user location to understand the locations where our website is most popular (analytics cookies)



Session ID



IP address

City, Region



Time zone

Keyboard layout

Amount of key boards installed

Layout usage rate

until you withdraw your consent


To conduct surveys for website users


Session ID

Answer to survey question

until you withdraw your consent

To obtain user feedback



Data from messages

1 year, or until you withdraw your consent

Data processing operations in your personal account

To register on the website as a parent


Parent ID



Consent to Terms of Use


Optional data:


Second name



Password hash


Birth date

Phone number

Date of registration

Date of last login

Notifications settings

Social networks


1 year after account deletion


To choose country and language in your personal account


Parent ID

1 year after account deletion


To verify the age of users


Session ID Confirmation of the age

1 year

To edit data in your personal account



Parent ID



Second name




Birth date

Phone number

Notifications settings

Social networks

Any changes to the defined data categories

rectified data is stored for 1 month in log files


To authorise in personal account


Parent ID

Password hash

Child name

1 year after account deletion

To answer to surveys in personal account


Parent ID



Consent to Terms of Use


Second name



Password hash


Birth date

Phone number

Date of registration

Date of last login

Notifications’ settings

Parent ID

Social networks

Answer to survey question

until you withdraw your consent, delete your account, or provide new answers to the questions


To log website activities to prevent and investigate problems

Legitimate Interest to ensure security of our website

Requests for changes in the fields with personal data Content of responses to changes

1 month


To change password by email or by referring to our technical support team




Password hash

New password hash

Data from messages

rectified data is stored for 1 month in log files


To add information about a child in personal account of a parent




Child ID

Parent ID

Child’s name


Optional Data:

Child’s second name

Child’s surname

Child’s nickname

Child’s birth date

Child’s gender

Other data that parent may provide

1 year after account deletion

To manage notifications settings in a parent account



Session ID

Parent ID

Notifications settings

1 year after account deletion

To determine user status (online or offline) to see the number of active visitors to the site and redistribute the load on the site for its correct operation

Legitimate Interest to ensure our website functionality

Session ID

Status (online/offline)

until you exercise your right to opt out

To link your social media profiles in your parent's account for extra bonuses in games and for sharing news and video in your social media profiles


Session ID

Parent ID

Social networks





until you withdraw your consent

To play our browser games and to keep your progress in the game

(for non-registered users)





Session IDGame progress

1 year after account deletion

To play our browser games and count leaderboard score

(for registered users)


Player ID

Rating (leaderboard score and rank)

1 year after account deletion

E-mails and notifications

To send notifications about system events (publication of videos, news, website updates)

Legitimate Interest o keep our users updated

Parent ID

Notifications settings


Content of the notification Language


Additional filters that can tailor materials to the user's interests (child's age, etc.)

until you exercise your right to opt out


To confirm user registration via email




Date of registration

1 year after account deletion

To confirm data rectification in the account




Information about data rectification

1 year after account deletion

To get in touch with users for further clarifications (e.g., write to contest winner if the data is incomplete)

Legitimate Interest to deliver the prize to the winner of the contest


Information about contest participation


Data from messages


Phone number

until you exercise your right to opt out


To respond to inquiries/requests from users regarding the functionality of our website




Data from messages

until your request is fulfilled

To send a personalized marketing newsletter






Clicks on the website

Additional filters that can tailor materials to the user's interests (child's age, etc.)

Consent to the newsletter

until you withdraw your consent


To subscribe to our newsletter with news feed



Consent to the newsletter

until you withdraw your consent

To send a congratulation on the child’s birthday and other events (8th of March, etc.)


Parent ID

Child name


Phone number

Birth date

Consent to the newsletter

until you withdraw your consent

To send survey results via email



Survey results

until you withdraw your consent

Events and contests

To take part in events and contests





Data provided by the participants (may include creative tasks such as stories, photos, videos)

6 months after event or contest

To confirm user’s participation in the contest




Information about contest participation

until you request data deletion

To award digital prizes (e.g. stickers, discounts, promo codes)





Information about a prize

Social media profile

6 months after event or contest

To award physical prizes






Tax ID

6 months after event or contest


  • Personal data that we process to enter into a contract are necessary to provide you with our services. So, you may face the following consequences if you choose not to give your data:
    • o When data is processed to define the user's location to store their data on the server in the appropriate location (necessary cookies), the website may not function properly, and user-specific content may not be accessible or displayed correctly;
    • o When data is processed to register on the website as a parent, you will not be able to access or utilize features restricted to registered parents;
    • o When data is processed to choose a country and language in your personal account, you may experience difficulties in accessing content or communications that are relevant to the chosen country or language preferences;
    • o When data is processed to verify the age of users, access to age-restricted features may be denied, or users may not be able to confirm their eligibility for certain services;
    • o When data is processed to edit data in your personal account, you may not be able to update your account information, leading to outdated or inaccurate data in the personal account;
    • o When data is processed to authorise in personal account, you will be unable to access your personal account, and any associated services or content;
    • o When data is processed to change password by email or by referring to our technical support team, you may not be able to reset your password or access your account in the event of a forgotten password;
    • o When data is processed to add information about a child in the personal account of a parent, users may not be able to add their child's profile;
    • o When data is processed to manage notifications settings in a parent account, users may receive notifications that are not relevant to their preferences or may miss important updates;
    • o When data is processed to confirm user registration via email, you may not be able to complete the registration process and access your account or associated services;
    • o When data is processed to confirm the user’s participation in the contest, you may not be eligible to participate in contests or receive prizes;
    • o When data is processed to confirm data rectification in the account, incorrect or outdated data may persist in the account;
    • o When data is processed to respond to inquiries/requests from users regarding the functionality of our services, you may not receive responses or assistance for inquiries or requests related to the functionality of the services;
    • o When data is processed to play our games and to keep your progress in the game or count your leaderboard score, you may not be able to participate in games or save the progress;
    • o When data is processed to take part in events and contests, you will not be able to participate in events or contests and receive associated rewards;
    • o When data is processed to award digital prizes (e.g. stickers, discounts, promo codes), you will not be able to receive digital prizes or discounts offered as rewards;
    • o When data is processed to award physical prizes, you will not be able to receive physical prizes won in contests or events.

Who do we share your personal data with?

Information about these companies and their data protection practices:

  • The Apache Software Foundation

Address: The Apache Software Foundation, 1000 N West Street, Suite 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801, U.S.A. Relevant Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, the country of the data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection for your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Google LLC

The service is provided by Google LLC. Address: Google LLC, Google Data Protection Office, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, USA. Relevant privacy policy of Google. Unfortunately, the country of the data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection for your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to Google to ensure that they are properly protected. For more information: click on this link.

  • Sinch Email (Mail Jet)

We may engage the services of Sinch Email, operating under the brand name Mail Jet, for the purpose of sending email communications to our users and subscribers. When you provide your email address and consent to receive email communications from us, your email address and related data may be shared with Sinch Email (Mail Jet) to facilitate the delivery of these communications. Recipient address: Lindhagensgatan 74, 112 18 Stockholm (Sweden) Relevant Privacy Policy. Sinch may transfer your personal data to countries outside of the EU/EEA. If it happens, Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data.

  • Our partners in contests

We may collaborate with various partners to conduct contests. In this case, we are joint controllers. You may find information about specific partner for each particular contest in the Terms and Conditions of the respective contest. When our partners are located outside the EU/EEA, Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data.

  • Other partners

We may collaborate with trusted partners to offer you enhanced services or promotions. When our partners are located outside the EU/EEA, Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data.


Automated decisions

We do not introduce automated decision-making.

If you are a data subject, you have the following rights:

request information about the processing of your personal data

obtain access to the personal data held about you

Under Article 15 of the GDPR, you have a right of access that gives you the right to obtain a copy of your personal data, as well as other supplementary information. It helps to understand how and why companies are using the data, and check the lawfulness of the processing.

ask for incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete personal data to be corrected

Under Article 16 of the GDPR, you have the right to have inaccurate personal data rectified. You may also be able to have incomplete personal data completed – although this will depend on the purposes for the processing.

request that personal data be erased when they are no longer needed or if processing is unlawful

Under Article 17 of the GDPR, you have the right to have personal data erased. This is also known as the 'right to be forgotten'. The right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances.

request the restriction of the processing of your personal data in specific cases

Article 18 of the GDPR gives you the right to restrict the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances. This means that you can limit the way that an organisation uses your data. This is an alternative to requesting the erasure of their data.

receive your personal data in a machine-readable format and send them to another controller ('data portability')

Under Article 20 of the GDPR, you have the right to data portability that gives you the right to receive personal data they have provided to a controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. It also gives you the right to request that a controller transmits those data directly to another controller.

object to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes or on grounds relating to your particular situation

Article 21 of the GDPR gives you the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time. This effectively allows individuals to stop or prevent you from processing their personal data.

request that decisions based on automated processing concerning you or significantly affecting you and based on your personal data are made by natural persons, not only by computers. You also have the right in this case to express your point of view and to challenge the decision

withdraw your consent at any time

lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

In accordance with Article 77 of the GDPR, you, as a data subject, have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work, or where an alleged infringement of the GDPR has taken place. If you have any questions about the protection of your personal data, you can contact us by using our email:

Children’s data

Collection of children’s personal data is possible after creating a child’s profile in the parent account. Through this mode, children can view content, play games, participate in contests, and engage in special features. We may process such data categories as:

  • Parent ID
  • Child ID
  • CPlayer ID
  • Child’s name
  • Child’s second name
  • Child’s surname
  • Child’s nickname
  • Child’s birth date
  • Child’s gender
  • Date of registration
  • Date of last login
  • Device
  • Country
  • Language

The specific purposes and legal bases for processing this data, as well as the retention period, are detailed in the section titled “What data, for what purposes, on what basis, and for how long do we process?”.

If a child uses our website without registering, we may process all the categories listed as outlined in the section mentioned above (parental consent is requested).

In any case, we do not enable children to make their personal data publicly available.

Parents' Control

Parental consent is required prior to data processing. In accordance with the requirements of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, on any child-targeted site or application, or in any instance where we ask for age and determine the user is age 12 or under, we will request a parent or guardian's email address prior to the collection of any personal data from the child. If you believe your child is engaging in an activity that involves the gathering of personal data and you, as a parent or another legal guardian, have not received an email seeking your consent or providing notification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

Parents have the right to review, request the deletion of, or withhold consent for the further collection or use of their child's personal dat. To initiate any of these actions, a parent may submit a request via email to: